Sunday, August 1, 2010

Be Green, save oil, keep home healthy, and save enviroment all for 3 hours a week

Want to Help with GREEN!!!!!
Vacuums, Vacuum Cleaning & Carpet Care
Why is Vacuuming Carpet So Important?
Proper maintenance is the key to keeping your carpet looking like new longer!
Remember what the dental hygienist told you? "Only floss those teeth you want to keep". That's good advice for all of us because dental work is very expensive and chewing food requires teeth. Vacuuming your carpet is an absolute must if you want it to last as long as it was intended. Most people don't floss enough and most people don't vacuum enough.
Most carpets don't wear out, they ugly-out! This is the common description for a carpet fiber that loses it's shine. Once your carpet fibers lose their shine, they start to look dull. Then, your new carpet start to look worn out. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to make your ugly looking, dull carpet look like new again. Dirt and grime is one of the key reasons that carpet fibers lose their shine. The dirt and grime that grind into the carpet pile is the cause of the loss of carpet shine. Proper maintenance is the key to keeping your carpet looking like new longer! We had Superior Steam Cleaners can clean the carpet but we can’t fix ugly!
For a tried and tested vacuum go to
To get a deep clean call us at 443-277-7265 or go to for a carper company near you.

How Often Should I Vacuum My Carpet?

Question: How many people live in your home?
That's how many times you should vacuum each week, especially in high traffic lanes!
Do you have four people living in your home? Then you should vacuum your carpet four times a week! Some folks need to vacuum everyday! More people means more vacuuming. This is the minimum you should vacuum per week and more vacuuming may be necessary if you:
1. Have active teenagers, or active children under the age of 5
2. Have pets,
3. Entertain often,
4. Live in a dusty or rural area,
5. Have allergies or asthma
6. Live in a moist or humid climate
This means you should be vacuuming everyday. But vacuuming everyday won't help if you don't have a good quality vacuum or if your vacuum is not operating at it's peak efficiency. If your vacuum is not doing a good enough job, the dirt that penetrates the nap of your carpet will begin grinding away at the fibers. This leads to dulling of the color and matting and crushing of the pile, which in turn makes your carpet look worn out faster. And once your carpet starts looking dingy, nothing can be done to make it regain it's original like-new appearance.
There's more to maintaining your carpet than just dealing with the problem of dirt and dust penetrating the nap of your carpet, small children and active teens can significantly increase the daily wear and tear on your carpets. Running, jumping, dancing, and other common activities are very hard on carpet. Rigorous activities force dirt and debris deep into the nap, often too deep for some older or less-powerful vacuums to remove. This is why having a good quality vacuum with enough suction power is important. Abrasion is also a main cause of carpet wear. You can see the effects of abrasion most obvious in the hallways or other main traffic lanes. Carpet fibers can only tolerate a certain amount of abrasion before they show the effects. While diligent vacuuming won't undo damage caused by active kids, it will help reduce the damaging effects by removing the majority of gritty sand-like dirt and debris
So in closing if you take proper maintenance care you keep your carpet longer which saves you money. Saves the planet by keeping carpet out of landfills and saves oil because synthetic carpets are petroleum based. Last but not least your home will be healthier for you and your family.